12 Boxes Super NMN Eye Care Formula =(15 Sachets x 15 g ) ( 零售价 : 1 box Rm 199 )
MYR 1,440.00
MYR 0.00
Product Description
超级* NMN 护眼 配方的功效
专治: 眼睛视力, 基因修复 。
- 肿瘤预防, DNA 修复, 由内而外抗衰老。
- 激活长寿蛋白, 美肌逆龄, 延缓衰老。
- 抗糖化, 促进糖分正常代谢。
- 提升记忆力, 专注力, 预防老人痴呆, 改善认知功能。
- 防辐射, 缓解化疗或放疗副作用。
- 降血脂, 调整血压, 增进心血管功能。
- 促进毛发生长, 防止脱发, 白发。
- 提升免疫力, 提升男性激素, 加強性功能。
- 月经正常化, 延缓更年期, 增进卵子活力, 提高受孕能。
- 提升多巴胺水平, 稳定情绪, 改善忧郁症。
- 保护眼睛, 预防视力老化, 加速酒精与毒素代谢, 保护肝脏。
- 強化听力, 改善亚健康, 恢复活力, 提升精力。
- 抗发炎, 调节生物时钟, 改善失眠, 提高睡眠品质。
- 促进食欲, 強化体力, 增加基础代谢, 使脂肪转化为肌肉。
- 促进消化功能, 消除便秘, 改善各种过敏。
- 增加血液中含氧量, 解决高原反应, 缓解晕车, 晕船。
成分:烟酰胺单核苷酸 (NMN)、杂莓粉、巴西莓提取物、Billbiron、纤维溶胶、抗坏血酸、黑葡萄粉 及 糖精。
将一包 NMN 预混果汁粉加入 150 毫升室温水中,摇匀或搅拌均匀即可食用。
What is NMN ?
NMN is short for nicotinamide mononucleotide a naturally
occurring molecule present in all species. On the molecular lever,
it is a ribonucleotide, a basic structural unit of the nucleic
acid RNA. It consists of a nicotinamide group, a ribose, and a phosphate group.
NMN is precursor of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), a
molecule that may be useful in slowing down some aspects of aging.
NAD+ serves many critical functions in our cells, such as
electron transport, cell signaling, and DNA repair.
What is Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide ?
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a key coenzyme found
in all living cells. It is a dinucleotide, which means that it
consists of two nucleotides joined through their phosphate groups.
One nucleotide contains an adenine base, and the other contains
NAD+ is essential for life, one of the most versatile molecules
in the body, and an important area of focus for aging research.
Before we dive into the various things NAD+ does in the body.
NMN, Mix Berry Power, Acai Berry Extract, Billbiron, Fibersol,
Ascorbic Acid, Blackcurrant Powder and Sweetener.
Direction of use:
Mix one sachet of NMN premix juice powder into 150ml of roo temperature water, shake or stir well and serve.
Cara penyediaan:
Campurkan satu pek serbuk jus pracampuran NMN dengan 150ml air suhu bilik, goncang atau kacau rata dan hidangkan.